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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kpop wannabes -.-

Thee is a new boy group in America called Heart2Heart. I don't want to be a troll but this group seriously needs to be more.....original??? If your wonderin what this has to do with kpop well almost everything does. I mean yeah I'm glad that there are boy groups in the US cause thats why I LOVE kpop but this group needs more originality. The first I noticed is in the teaser and throughout the music video is the set. The set looks really familiar hm let me think what it looks like.....Teen Top's Supa Luv mv -.-

Teen Top:

The song itself sounds useless. Its sort os like another....Friday??? This song isnt as catchy but the voices and and the lyrics for the song are just pointless.

The tags in the video list kpop a bunch of kpop groups which sorta makes all of other kpop fans pissed off. In my opinion they are just a bunch of wannabes :P


  1. I hate the song, too. But to say that they're copying Kpop is just wrong. Since when does what country you're from determine what type of music you can do? I can see you getting upset about the unoriginality, too, but every time a new Kpop boy band comes out with the exact same stuff nobody accuses THEM of being unoriginal. (sorry I'm just ticked off at some people right now...)

    I'll probably give them another chance because they're talented (and cute!), but the song is just way too stupid.

  2. @shayna thank you for expressing your opinion on this matter. I was just really pissed off that they put so many Kpop groups in the tags when it had nothing to do with them -.-but now the tags are gone :) I'm thinking about giving them a chance and might come to like them if they make a catchier song and a better dance break :)
